Certified Equipment
New National Guidelines for Banned Bat Recognition
USA Softball recently changed the non approved bat listings. This was a recommendation by the USA Softball Equipment Testing and Certification Committee. The reasoning behind this was an attempt to make it easier for USA Softball leagues, tournament directors and umpires to clarify questions surrounding legal and/or illegal bats.
The original master list has been removed and replaced with two lists that separate bats that have been declared illegal that bear the 2000 mark and bats that bear both the 2000 and 2004 mark. This master list contained bats that were never intended to be certified by USA Softball that were made by bat manufacturers. The committee felt like this was confusing the issue and making it more complex than needed out in the field.
Bat manufacturers, against USA Softball's guidance, will continue making bats intended for HR derby’s, outlaw leagues and other associations thus making it nearly impossible to continue listing every non-certified bat along with a photo. All of these new non USA Softball certified bats do not contain the USA Softball certification mark so the easy answer for umpires and league/tournament directors is as follows:
If a bat does not contain the USA Softball certification mark (either the 2000 or 2004 mark) it should not be allowed in USA Softball Championship Play unless in the sole discretion of the umpire was made prior to 2000